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His band nicknames are Pez ''cause I have a big Adam's apple' and Scoop 'because when (the guys) ask me about our itinerary, I always know.' Began his career at age 11 singing in the Clinton Community Choir, near his hometown of Laurel. Mother Diane is a sixth grade teacher and father Jim Bass is a former Lab Technician. Was part of a competition singing group called Attache.

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Performed with *NSYNC on Céline Dion's 'All The Way' TV special. In 2005, he started a television production company, Lance Bass Productions. Started his own film production company, Bacon & Eggs, in 2000. Performed with *NSYNC in the 19 Miss Teen USA pageant.

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Performed at the Christmas Tree Lighting at Rockefeller Center with 'NSYNC. Was the last member to join *NSYNC, after being recruited by Justin Timberlake.

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